Friday, December 7, 2012

Edublog Awards

I recently came across a great blog called Kleinspiration "Connecting Tradition and Technology to Inspire the Seeds we Plant Today" after attending a webinar hosted by the blogger Erin Klein
I highly recommend that you check it out. I have found many useful ideas here.

Today's post talked about the "Edublog Awards". Kleinspiration has been nominated in 2 categories. I headed on over to vote and decided to print out the list of nominees for all categories. If these are the best of the best than I wanted to take note of them.
- December 3rd "Voting is Open" post.

My plan is to slowly check out the nominees to see if there are any other hidden gems out there on the internet that might give me some more ideas. Some of the voting categories include
- Best Student Blog
- Best Ed Tech Blog
- Best Teacher Blog
- Best Library/Librarian Blog
- Twitter Hashtag
- Free Web Tool
- Wikis in Education
- Most Influential Post *
May I suggest reading this article "What the Kardashians Taught Me About Reading Instruction (No, for real)

Though my lonely little blog isn't on the list maybe it could be one day...probably with a little more frequent posting on my part :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

NY Times Notable Books of 2012

I am sharing these links that I got from a posting on LM_NET. If you are a librarian and not a member of this listserv you must join immediately. I can't tell you how many times the members have helped me out, quickly, or volunteered for a project I was doing. There are 1000's of members all over the world. It's a great networking opportunity.

So on to the list - NY Times Notable Books of 2012. Here are two that I take special note of since I teach elementary students but there are many more lists.

New York Times Best Notable Children’s Books
* Out of the picture books listed I've read Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin to my boys and we loved it. 

New York Times Best Books Graphic Novels

There will be many more lists coming out so it's nice to take a peek at the lists and see what your library owns or what you may need to buy. It always makes me feel good to say "Oh, we already own that". It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job selecting books for my students.