Monday, January 16, 2012

Website: Teachers pay Teachers

I have found a great new website - Teachers pay Teachers

Teachers pay Teachers is a website where teachers go to buy, sell and share their original ideas. Every grade and subject level is represented so its worth taking a look at. You can even post an "ad" to hire someone to make a lesson plan for you. I am finding quite a few free lessons and any of the ones I've paid for have been under $10.

Here are a few of the lessons I have posted. The Tales From the House of Bunnicula outline is free and the rest are priced $5 and under.
* A Day's Work by Eve Bunting : Discussion Questions and Observation
* Arranging Fiction and Non-Fiction Books
* Camp Read S'More Reading Program and Grant
* Grant for PebbleGo Animal & Earth Science Datebases (K-3)
* Grant: 6 Barnes and Noble Nook Colors or Kindle and Math and Science eBooks
* Scrapbooking in the Curriculum Power Point Presentation: K-3 Grades
* Tales from the House of Bunnicula Series - Writing Terms and Tips
* Vote for Books Election and State Book Awards for Teacher or Librarian

I hope to get some more lesson plans up. Now that we are debt free, except the house, I am working towards saving money to surprise my husband with a vow renewal ceremony when we go on our trip in June 2012!

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